The Evolution of Blockchain & Web3: Creating Micro Economies



The internet has revolutionised the way we exchange information, connecting people around the world in an instant. However, the impact of the internet has been limited to the exchange of information, leaving the realm of economics relatively untouched. This is where Web3 comes in. Web3, the next generation of internet technologies and standards, is set to revolutionise the way we exchange money and create micro economies. In this article, we will explore the evolution of blockchain and Web3 and how they are creating new opportunities for creators, suppliers, and consumers to participate in free markets and decentralised economies.

The First Internet: Information Exchange

The first internet, also known as Web2, brought us the web server and web browsers, enabling the instant sharing of information across the globe. It created a global network for knowledge, connecting people and facilitating the exchange of ideas. However, the exchange of money was never within the core features of the internet. While interacting with information felt seamless, the moment we had to make a payment, we were bumped off the digital internet and into the analog world of credit cards and banks. The exchange of money required physical institutions to provide the necessary security, identity, trust, and accounting.

The Birth Of Web3: TCP/IP For Money

Web3, the next evolution of the internet, is changing this paradigm. It is a new generation of internet technologies and standards, including blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts, that bring security and accountability as native features to the internet. Web3 is essentially “TCP/IP for money,” enabling the secure and seamless transfer of value over the internet. It eliminates the need for intermediaries like banks, agencies, and regulators, allowing for direct peer-to-peer transactions.

The Web Server And The Digital Wallet

Looking back at the history of the internet, two fundamental innovations stand out: the web server and the digital wallet. The web server revolutionised the way we share information, enabling anyone to publish and distribute content to a global audience. The digital wallet, enabled by Web3 technologies like blockchains and smart contracts, is set to revolutionise the way we transact and trade on the internet. Just as the web server democratised the publishing of information, the digital wallet will democratise the exchange of value.

The Ownership Economy

In the current internet landscape, creators often lack ownership and control over their work. Social media platforms and corporations reap most of the profits, while creators are left with minimal rewards. Web3 is introducing the concept of the ownership economy, where decentralised organisations governed by programmatic tokens give creators, developers, partners, and end users ownership over social networks and platforms. Users who contribute value to a network can own a piece of that network and be rewarded accordingly. This shift towards the ownership economy empowers creators and ensures a fair distribution of value.

Micropayments: Unlocking New Business Models

Micropayments have long been challenging to implement on the internet due to the lack of a native protocol for transferring money. Web3 solves this problem by providing the necessary technologies for secure, low-cost micropayments. With cryptocurrencies and digital wallets, users can easily send and receive small amounts of value, enabling new business models for artists and creators. Instead of relying on centralised platforms to monetise their work, creators can directly engage with their fans and monetise their content, leading to a more equitable distribution of revenue.

Digital Scarcity And NFTs

One of the groundbreaking features of Web3 is the concept of digital scarcity. While the internet has traditionally been a platform for the free sharing of information, Web3 introduces the ability to establish ownership and scarcity in the digital realm. Through blockchain technology, assets can be tokenised and recorded on a public ledger, making them unique and verifiable. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention in this space, allowing for the ownership and trading of digital assets like artwork, music, and virtual real estate. NFTs provide creators with a new means of monetising their digital creations and establishing their value in the market.

Digital “Corporations” And DAOs

Web3 enables the creation of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) that operate entirely through software and smart contracts. DAOs are digital entities that replicate the functions and features of traditional corporations without the need for intermediaries like governments or legal entities. Smart contracts on blockchains enforce the terms and policies of these organisations, and ownership is represented by tokens. DAOs offer a frictionless way to collaborate and create value, accelerating innovation and removing barriers to entry.

The Rise Of The Artist As An Economic Force

Historically, artists have received only a small portion of the economic value generated by their work. The rise of the internet and social media platforms has provided artists with new channels to reach their audience, but the economic equation has remained imbalanced. Web3 is changing this by empowering artists and creators to directly monetise their work and build their brands. With the ownership economy and micropayments, artists can establish a direct relationship with their fans and receive fair compensation for their creations. This shift gives artists more control over their careers and the opportunity to generate significant wealth and economic power.

The Economic Superhighway: A New Era

Web3 is set to usher in a new era of the digital economy, transforming the way we exchange value and participate in economic systems. The ownership economy, micropayments, digital scarcity, DAOs, and the rise of artists as economic forces are just the beginning. As Web3 technologies continue to evolve and mature, we can expect further innovations and disruptions in various industries. The economic superhighway of Web3 will provide opportunities for creators, suppliers, and consumers to participate in free markets and decentralised economies, creating a more equitable and inclusive digital landscape.


The evolution of blockchain and Web3 is revolutionising the way we exchange value and participate in economic systems. The internet’s first revolution focused on information exchange, while Web3 is bringing economics to the forefront. The ownership economy, micropayments, digital scarcity, the rise of DAOs, and the empowerment of artists are reshaping the digital landscape and creating new opportunities for individuals and businesses. As Web3 continues to develop, we can expect further innovations that will transform industries and unlock the full potential of a decentralised and inclusive digital economy. It’s an exciting time to be part of the Web3 revolution and witness the creation of micro economies that empower creators, suppliers, and consumers alike.